Thursday, September 27, 2007

Filipinos love Merienda

Arroz Caldo

Don't we just all love merienda?

Merienda, a Spanish word and tradition, translates into "afternoon snack," but its evolution varies from country to country where the influence of the Spanish lingers.

In Mexico and South America, it is generally a simple affair: a piece of buttered bread or roll, or perhaps pan dulce left over from breakfast. It is usually eaten with coffee at the end of the extended afternoon "lunch" break, just before people head back to work at around 4 or 5 in the afternoon.

In the Philippines, afternoon merienda is more substantial and is sometimes called "the fourth mealtime."


Banana con hielo

TurrĂ³n filipino


The Philippine merienda often includes bread, rolls and rice cakes. But Filipinos also eat noodles, soup and steamed buns called siopao, filled with shredded chicken and pork. For drinks: coffee, sodas and juices.

Thanks also to my friend Animo for the inspiration.